how sad, only after a month people have basically forgotten about Katrina and it's victims. In the end this will help my and my site but it is sad that we have such a short attention span as a nation. Granted my life has gotten back to "normal" but what is even normal these days, I will have to do some digging for posts but not to fear I will try and updaet this site 3-7 times a week.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Adopt a Refugee or Refugees!!!
Safelist of victims, national database
My other blogs
Websites to inform and entertain
Liberal blogs
National Charities to give to Katrina victims
- Find local FL,LA,MS,AL charities to donate to
- Charity Navigator (make sure you donate to the right ones!!!)
- Christian Disaster Response
- Catholic Relief Services
- Feed my Starving Children
- Feed the Children
- Charity Navigator
- About Non-Profit Charities
- Burning Rivers Studio
- Distracted Mind
- Queen Things
- Clay Calhoun
- Father Jake Stops the World
- Dummocrats
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- One Webmasters Blog
- Joy of Blogging
- German Blog!!!
- One Big Swede
- Brave Journal
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- Ales Rarus
- America Digest
- Angey in the Great White North
- Celia Stuart
- Dust my Broom
- New Englan Republican
- Sundries Shack
- Trana Blog
- Digital Breakfast
- Round the Chuck Box
- Relapsed Catholic
- Centurion
- 2 Blind Squirrels
- 2 political junkies
- claudecroteau
- Laura and Evan
- :: What Next? :: News and Commentary
- ::*Barely-Legal*::
- :::...onedurr : blog
- :::Christian News & Hot Issues about Christianity:
- Bnpositive’s Blog
- A Blog For All
- A Jester Unemployed
- A Lady's Ruminations
- A life less interesting.
- A List Of Things Thrown Five Minutes Ago
- A Little Voice
- American Oblivion
- Americans for Freedom...Afghanistan Iraq Lebanon Egypt Syria Saudi Arabia Iran Belarus...
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IRS Database for a list of organizations eligible be receive tax-deductible
- Search for Charities
- Red Cross donation form
- Salvation Army, for victims living in FL,LA,MS,AL, and others
Alabama Charities
- Bay Area Food Bank
- United Way of Central Alabama
Arkansas Charities
- United Way of Benton County, Arkansas
California Charities
- United Way of Santa Cruz County
Flordia Charities
- United Way of Northeast Florida
Georgia Charities
- United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta
Iowa Charities
- Louisana Charities
- Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana
New Mexico Charities
- United Way of Central New Mexico
North Carolina Charities
- United Way of Forsyth County
Michigan Charities
- Heart of West Michigan United Way
Missippi Charities
- CREATE Foundation
Tennessee Charities
- United Way of the Mid-South
Virginia Charities
- Aerospace Education Foundation
Wisconsin Charities
- United Way of Greater Milwaukee
Previous Posts
- how sad, only after a month people have basically...
- Courtesy of Fox News.comHelping Katrina Victims Fr...
- Red Cross seeks 40,000 volunteersThe American Red ...
- is the most informative website out t...
- I told you all!!! Argh, everything that was consid...
- a sort of Katrina related posteptember 9, 2005Katr...
- Fox News (and my blog) are the only places you wil...
- well Fox News is owning all, it's only a matter of...
- 700 kids missing now in NO, lets find them people!
- Wow, N Z Bear is a great guy. I have come up with...
- commentsfromleftfield